Tuesday 11 September 2012

Purposes: 3. Relationship to Genre

Alyx Entwistle

When it comes to editing, different genre's of film have different conventions, techniques and styles.

I'll take a quick look at comedy and horror films.

There are so many to list but here are just a few.


- Bright scenes
- Cities/well populated areas
- Natural moving camera. High shots capture the whole environment
- Props with comedic uses (food, sports equipment, etc.)
- Usually set in the day time
- Characters - Accident prone/idiotic, the 'straight man', the love interest, etc.


- Dark scenes - low-key lighting, colours featured are black and red (for blood)
- Isolated/small towns, usually set in a place that has been abandoned
- Unnatural camera movement - creates a fear within the audience if there are many 'jerky' and 'jump-out' moments
- POV shots - either from the protagonist hiding from the antagonist, or the antagonist trying to find the protagonist
- Disturbing sounds
- Never seems to tie up the premise completely in the hope that it will spawn a sequel or a franchise
- Characters - lonely/psychotic antagonist, unremarkable lead who takes a journey to become the strongest of their group, the hopeless, the couple who have sex, strong/brave who dies early, etc. 

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