Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Conventions and Techniques: 8. Splicing

Alyx Entwistle

A film splicer is a device which can be used to physically join together lengths of film.
There are many different types of film splicing, like…

Cement splicers joins films together by using a chemical known as ‘film cement’. It is made of film base dissolved in a solvent. Film editors use a version with tiny overlaps to edit any film negatives, although long overlaps are preferred.

Here a piece of thin transparent adhesive tape is used to join the two ends. The tape may be pre-perforated, or the splicer may make perforations as the splice is made (this type of splicer is sometimes referred to as guillotine splicer).
Tape splicers can be used on all types of film. This is the most popular way to join polyester prints in theaters.


These splicers use an ultrasonic signal to melt the film together. They are generally used with polyester film, and are used in splicing microfilm as the splice will not break down over time as a tape splice might.


Used in film processing labs to join film into large rolls before processing. These use a plastic coated tab to make the splice. The tab is heated and the plastic melts slightly, bonding to the film. The tabs are often printed with a number or bar code to identify the film after processing.

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